February is here. What a season of love, cold, still icy, love. You know what I really love the most. That’s right… My garden! Some zones are lucky enough for spring to be emerging now. Some of us colder zones, might still be facing a lot of winter ahead of us. So today’s post is…
How to Design a Tea Garden
Having a fresh cup of tea picked straight from the garden is so rewarding. Not only that but there are many health benefits to drinking herbal teas. There is something so wonderful about picking fresh herbs and then creating a delicious tea! Today’s post we will be designing a Tea Garden. This will be a…
January chores in the garden
The snow is coming down today, so of course I am planning my garden from the warmth of my kitchen. Even though I still have months here in zone 5 before I can work the soil and put anything outdoors there is still plenty to do now to make gardening easier later. So if you…
How to design an endless vegetable salad garden
Endless summer salads are my favorite summer treat! Summer salads are my favorite garden beds to plant. They are great for random snacking, making salads, and sandwiches. Most of the plants have shorter grow cycles so you replant as you eat, and they just continue producing a wonderful summer salad. Hello! Today’s post we are…
2025 planning a successful garden
2025 Guide to planning a successful garden The New Year has begun and this year you want to take on growing your own wonderful nourishing produce. Here is a great starting point to create a garden that will provide you with some summer time snacks or to fill your freezer. The first 5 things you…