“I just wanted porch tomatoes…”

Hey, I’m Callie.

Have you ever had an idea that somehow managed to take over your life?

Well, that’s how gardening started for me. As a kid I remember gardening with my father. Toes in the mud, sunshine on your skin, picking fresh peas off the plant and eating them while you picked buckets of fresh snap peas.

Fast forward to many years later, with my own children and a small city backyard. I just wanted my kids to experience picking fresh cherry tomatoes and popping them in their mouths still warm from the sun. We had a small container garden with a dozen containers. It felt magical, and I craved more. Each year I added more containers and learned a lot of small garden space techniques.

Each year we had a small summer garden perfect for tiny salads. In my heart though I still yearned for more. After container gardening. vertical gardening, and square foot gardening I just ran out of space.

The moment we had the opportunity to move out of the city and get a couple of acres, I knew exactly what it was that I wanted to do. I want to grow everything we eat. I really just want to grow it all!

How I can help you…

just plant it….

When I first got my acres, I had to start completely over. I was very overwhelmed. I was in a completely new environment, new soil, and a new zone. I was so worried about how and what I should begin with. However, once I sat down and created a plan it wasn’t long for me to realize that the 10+ years I’d already spent learning how to utilize small space gardening had taught me so much.

The timing was different and there were a few new curve balls to learn but so much of it was the same and soon I had the largest garden I built so far. The goal of being able to rely on our garden to produce the majority of our food was within grasp.

I want to be able to help you reach your gardening goals as well by sharing what I have learned and how to create the garden of your dreams.

Happy growing!